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Do you have any query in ICAI’s study material, past year questions, MTP or RTP?

  • To find question, go to search bar.
  • Select the question and search for your query.
  • If you don’t find your query, you can ask the same in query section.

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Can we find all ICAI questions here?

Yes, our website contains all the question of ICAI’s study material, past year questions, MTP and RTP.

How to search for a question?

You can search for a question from the search bar present on the homepage by using different key word and also using filters like (Levels, Subjects & Chapters)

If question is not available in website database?

Then, you can ask your query in discussion forum by clicking on the add question button.

How to ask any query in question searched?

First, you can search for your query if it has already been asked and answered by someone else. In case it has not been already asked then you can post your query in the query section.

Who will answer my query?

Queries can be answered either by the other peers from the community or by a designated expert on the website.